Alright....this is part two of my posts on the Steampunk jacket, dubbed the "Fly-by-night" (no idea why) Airship jacket. Or, just airship jacket. It was inspired by several things, the late Victorian military tunic or jacket, a particular image of
Colonel Mostery (a Victorian era swordsman and fighter), and probably a couple other things I can't remember.
Part I, roughly covering the drafting, can be found
For those who haven't been following along on the
Matsukaze Workshops FB page (which you totally should!), this project took much longer than it should have--a full year due to several setbacks. Trouble sourcing enough nice buttons for a reasonable price (since I needed around 40 matching buttons!), lack of sleeve then lining materials (I later found my lining material in a pile of stuff), running out of leather dye.... And of course, because it is a steampunk project rather than a historical one, it was lower on the priority list--so it didn't get worked on as much.