As you may have guessed, this project ended up being significantly more massive than anticipated. This is the start of Stage 2 of my notes for you to springboard off of if needed; just make sure to give credit and a link back to here. I had originally planned to publish all of the Stage 2 notes--describing the clothing of each guy in the paintings, but then realized that that post would be massive, since this 13 pages without images, and is only the first of the artists (although one of the more prolific ones). As a reminder--since I have had someone try to tempt me into scope creep into foods and maybe women's clothing as well--I am only focusing on the men and menswear for this project, since there is a fair amount on women's clothing out there already.
For the most part, I am listing the clothing articles from top to bottom, outside to inside, or at least do so towards the end. The paintings are presented in chronological order when the date is known, in order to show any developments in fashion during the time he lived in whatever town. For the most parts, I do not give my theories as to what the garments are made of, but given that we are dealing with lower class, various wools are most likely, with linen for the shirts.
I do not plan to put up copies of every one of the paintings, which, I need to note for copyright, do not belong to me and are public domain. Image source is linked with the title of the painting.
One (partial) step closer to the end goal!
Aertsen 1508-1575. Born in Amsterdam (Netherlands),
moved to and lived in Antwerp (Northern Belgium) from around 1540-1555, when he moved back to
Amsterdam. Presumably, the subjects in his paintings were local to him.